Wednesday, December 25, 2019
January 7--St. Raymond of Penyafort, Priest and Religious
''The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.'' (Dick the Butcher in ''Henry VI,'' Part II, act IV, Scene II, Line 73) This line by an English rebel shows the respect due to lawyers in keeping justice in a society. The same respect for canon lawyers, or lawyers who interpret Church law, is also necessary.
St. Raymond of Penyafort was both a secular and a canon, or Church, lawyer. Born in 1175 in Spain, he joined the Dominicans at the age of 47 in 1222 and developed a book of case studies to help confessors guide penitents, which became a medieval classic. As a canon lawyer he also collected the decrees of the popes and councils for over 80 years. These became the basis for canon law until 1917. Not only was he a great canonist, but he was also a great preacher who converted thousands of Moors in Spain. He was the third leader of the Dominicans. He died in 1275.
St. Raymond advised people on how to engage in spiritual combat and bear suffering: “The preacher of God’s truth has told us that all who want to live righteously in Christ will suffer persecution. . . . Your purity of life, your devotion, deserve and call for a reward; because you are acceptable and pleasing to God your purity of life must be made purer still, by frequent buffetings, until you attain perfect sincerity of heart. If from time to time you feel the sword falling on you with double or treble force, this also should be seen as sheer joy and the mark of love.” Thus, suffering is a sign of God’s love and a call to love as Jesus did. When we love, we are open to suffering! St. Raymond, pray for us.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
December 29--St. Thomas Beckett, Bishop and Martyr

One of the great films of saints is about St. Thomas Becket entitled Becket, starring Richard Burton and Peter O’Toole from 1964. The synopsis states: “Debauched King Henry II (Peter O'Toole) installs his longtime court facilitator Thomas Becket (Richard Burton) as the Archbishop of Canterbury, assuming that his old friend will be a compliant and loyal lackey in the King's ongoing battles with the church. But Becket unexpectedly finds his true calling on the ecclesiastical side, and aligns himself against the king's selfish wishes, causing a rift and an eventual showdown not only between the two men, but also the institutions they represent.”
St. Thomas Becket was martyred by his erstwhile friend because Henry wanted his own way with the Church. St. Thomas was murdered while saying Mass at Canterbury Cathedral on December 29, 1170. But what led up to such a falling out? “He quickly began to take his new office very seriously. It is said that he lived an almost ascetic lifestyle, rising early to pray, enduring humilities like washing the feet of the poor, wearing a purposely uncomfortable hair shirt, scourging himself out of indifference to his flesh, studying the scriptures, and surrounding himself with learned churchmen. It was not long before he came into conflict with the king over the rights and authority of the church, as well as the notion of church taxation.” (
In other words, the worldly Thomas became saintly Thomas. We are all called to holiness. Sometimes that call means a call to metanoia, or conversion. Conversion means changing from what keeps us from God to what draws us to God. That may mean a change of life or a change of practice or a change of philosophy or a change of policy. Nonetheless, God’s call is a radical call that will brook no Henry II.
December 28--The Holy Innocents, Martyrs

“When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi, he became furious. He ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had ascertained from the magi. Then was fulfilled what had been said through Jeremiah the prophet:
‘A voice was heard in Ramah,
sobbing and loud lamentation;
Rachel weeping for her children,
and she would not be consoled,
since they were no more.’” (Mt. 2:16-18)
Why do we celebrate a day dedicated to evil and violence and the massacre of innocent babies? We commemorate what Jesus came to earth to overcome. Jesus was a near-victim of such violence, foreshadowing his own innocent death, the execution of God. Jesus defeated evil with his own Paschal Mystery. There is still evil in the world and will be until Jesus comes again with the Final Judgment.
In the Liturgy of the Hours, the Church proclaims the praises of these innocent children: “Clothed in white robes, they will walk with me, says the Lord, for they are worthy.” And, “These children cry out their praises to the Lord; by their death they have proclaimed what they could not preach with their infant voices.” And again, “From the mouths of children and babies at the breast you have found praise to foil your enemies.” And finally, “At the king’s command these innocent babies and little children were put to death; they died for Christ, and now in the glory of heaven as they follow him, the sinless Lamb, they sing for ever: Glory to you, O Lord.”
We can “celebrate” this event, not because of its evil, but because of its warning to us. The sixty million Innocents also sing to God for justice to be done and evil to be banished forever.
December 17--St. Olympias, Widow
Today’s saint, St. Olympias, is primarily known for her
charity as well as her friendship with a saint who caused no end of trouble to
the rulers of Constantinople. St.
Olympias lived from about 365 to 408 A.D. in either Constantinople or
Antioch. She was a relative of the emperors
and after the death of her husband was even courted by Emperor Theodosius. However, she dedicated her life to the Church
and gave away her wealth to the needy and to the Church. She also built a hospital and orphanage. She became a friend and supporter of St. John
Chrysostom, a patriarch of Constantinople who offended the empress, to the
point of being exiled. Her support was
so strong that she, too, was exiled, ending her religious community and charitable
works. She died in exile in 408.
St. John Chrysostom wrote these words to Olympias: “I cannot cease to call you blessed. You have borne your sorrows with patience and
dignity. You have managed delicate affairs
with prudence and wisdom. You have
thrown a veil over the malice of your persecutors with charity. Thus you have won a glory and reward that in
the future will make all your sufferings seem light and passing in the presence
of eternal joy.”
Friendship is a great gift and also a
responsibility. When we have a friend,
we are called to support and care for that friend to bring the friend to Jesus,
our ultimate friend. We encourage our
friends in Christ so that they may develop in holiness and love. Many saints had friends with other saints,
such as Sts. Olympias and John Chrysostom.
We need to look for and develop saintly friendships so we, too, may be
brought to Jesus in Heaven with our friend.
St. Olympias, pray for us.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
November 18--St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Religious and Missionary

Born in 1769, St. Rose started out as a nun in a French convent in the late 18th century. During the French Revolution, her convent closed, and she took it upon herself to care for the poor and sick, opened a school for street children, and helped priests. After that she joined the Society of the Sacred Heart, where she became a superior and a supervisor of the novitiate. But she still longed to go to America to work among the Native Americans. She finally got the chance when she was 49. She and four other sisters sailed to New Orleans and up the Mississippi to St. Louis, where she started the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi in St. Charles, Missouri. She also founded the first Catholic Native American school. At the age of 72, retired and in poor health, she went to a new mission in Sugar Creek, Kansas, about 50 miles south of Kansas City and worked among the Potawatomi. She could not teach, but prayed while others taught. She was named “Woman-Who-Prays-Always.” She died in 1852 at the age of 83 and canonized in 1988.
What does it take to be a pioneer? It doesn’t mean “Go West” in location, but rather “Go West” in love; go to those who need the most help, the poor, the outcast, the young, the hurting, the homeless. Expect hardship and suffering, but do so to offer it up in love for the grace of God to be showered on those whom we serve, as well as ourselves.
December 8--The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

First and foremost: The Immaculate Conception is about the conception of MARY, NOT JESUS. We celebrate her birthday on September 8, nine months later. The conception of Jesus is celebrated on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel came to Mary and declared God’s will for her that she become the Mother of God. The virgin birth of Jesus is then celebrated nine months later on December 25!
So, now that we have that straight, what is the Immaculate Conception? The Immaculate Conception is the dogma, as defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854, that Mary was conceived in her mother’s womb without the stain of Original Sin. She is immaculate, or pure! She had the fullness of God’s sanctifying grace in her life from the moment of the beginning of her existence. How do we know this? From God’s Revelation. In Luke’s Gospel, the Angel Gabriel declared to Mary: “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” (Lk. 1:28) This also comes to us as: “Hail (Mary) full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” Sound familiar? It is the beginning of the “Hail Mary”. It continues: “Blessed art thou among women,” which is from the greeting Elizabeth gave to Mary in Luke 1:41. Further: "And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." Mary always points to Jesus!
Does this mean that Mary did not need salvation from Jesus Christ? No! Her fullness of grace was given to her by God in anticipation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. But why was she given this gift and not the rest of us? Because she is the Mother of God! She was given this special gift in anticipation of her fiat, or yes, to God’s request that she become the Mother of God. A side note: She is the patroness of the United States of America! And so, we pray: Immaculate Mary, pray for us.
*By Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - [2], Public Domain,
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