Sunday, August 18, 2013

July 31--St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

July 31—St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

As founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius of Loyola has exerted influence on the Church and the world that is matched by few others.  Starting out as a soldier until wounded in battle, St. Ignatius read two books as he was recovering, the Bible and the lives of the saints.   Inspired by their dedication and heroism he decided to dedicate his life to God.  He eventually gathered a group of likewise dedicated men and they presented themselves to the pope.  He asked them to teach and be missionaries, two charisms, or gifts, for which they have been known ever since.

St. Ignatius was a talented administrator.  After he founded the Jesuits, he spent much of his time directing the order, founding schools, sending missionaries across the globe, and writing letters. Administration is not seen by many as a glamorous job.  It involves paperwork, logistics, communication, bureaucracy, and so forth.  Yet, due to his skills in all these areas, St. Ignatius was able to establish and promote the largest group of male religious in the world today.  There are over 17,000 men who are Jesuit priests, scholastics (men training to become priests), brothers, and novices.  There are 28 Jesuit universities and colleges in the United States and over 50 high schools.  The time and expertise of the men and the strength of these institutions have impacted the lives of many throughout the country.  St. Ignatius had as his motto, Ad majorem dei gloriam, “To the greater glory of God”.  Would that we dedicated ourselves, as did St. Ignatius and the Jesuits, to the greater glory of God.

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