Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July 21--St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church

We are familiar with many Doctors of the Church, men and women who have outstanding holiness, depth of doctrinal insight, and an extensive body of writings that help us to know and understand our faith. We know Thomas Aquinas, Augustine, Thérèse of Lisieux, and Catherine of Siena. There are 36 altogether. But today’s saint is one of the lesser known doctors, St. Lawrence of Brindisi. He was born in Italy in 1559, joined the Capuchin Franciscans in 1575, and died in 1619. He was a linguist, diplomat, miracle-worker, healer, superior of the Capuchins, preacher, theologian, scholar, writer, crusader, and of course, saint.

Each of these functions is worth a book in itself. He was so good at Hebrew that he was tasked to preach to the Jews in Rome, who thought he was a convert from Judaism, he was so well-versed in Hebrew, the Old Testament, and in the Aramaic commentaries. As a diplomat he was asked to reconcile Christian princes with one another and their subjects. He healed people of illnesses and even levitated during Mass. He was chosen to be superior of the Capuchins when he was only 31. He preached in Lutheran Germany and won thousands back to Catholicism. He wrote that God would have become man even if there was no Original Sin, because God is love and he highest expression of God’s love is the incarnation of Jesus Christ. He held up a crucifix and led Christian soldiers against the Muslim armies who were attempting to invade Europe at the Battle of Shuhlweissenburg in Hungary in 1601. Through it all he maintained holiness and love of Jesus.

We are not called to do what St. Lawrence did, but we are called to live out our faith. We are all called to be holy by the grace of God.

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