Friday, July 25, 2014

July 29--St. Martha, Friend of Jesus

Many times we think of St. Martha as a "busybody" saint, trying to get Jesus to tell her sister Mary to help her with the responsibilities of hospitality.  But we must not forget that she is also the woman who expressed complete faith in Jesus:  "I have come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world" (Jn. 11:27).  It was after this confession of faith that Jesus raised her brother Lazarus from the the dead.  She and her sister and brother were friends of Jesus.  When he came to Jerusalem, he stayed with them.  That can be taken as a sign of trust.

Maybe we have a "Martha" in our families.  Perhaps she is the grandmother or the aunt or mother or sister who goes around the house with an apron on and a washcloth in her hand, constantly finding things to clean and chores to do.  Maybe she is always making sure that guests, both invited and pop-ins, are welcomed and cared for.  Maybe she is also the person who strongly influences our faith by her constant prayer with the Morning Offering glued to the medicine cabinet mirror.  Maybe she has her rosary with her, praying at moments of rest.  Maybe she has a print of the crucifixion of Jesus above her bed a or a picture of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane in the living room or a picture of the Last Supper in the dining room.

Martha is the patron saint of housewives, waiters, and waitresses.  These are the people who serve us and make sure that the necessities and niceties of hospitality are observed.  She is also very much the patron saint of those who love us and care for our everyday physical and spiritual needs.  They may not have the name of Martha, but they embrace her legacy.  May we be "Marthas" to others.

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