Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 30--St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church

There may be no saint more cantankerous and objectionable than St. Jerome! He had such a bad temper that whenever someone opposed him he would tear that person down with fire and brimstone. He even went after saints, such as St. Augustine, accusing him of using his position as bishop to get what he wanted, as opposed to accepting St. Jerome’s scholarly insights and skills. And that was St. Jerome’s strength and Achilles’ heel. He was a brilliant scholar! He translated the Bible from the original languages, which he studied, into Latin. It was the most comprehensive effort attempted up to that time. This version is called the Vulgate, and in the Council of Trent, a new and corrected edition was declared the authentic text to be used in the Church. St. Jerome was also the secretary to the pope at one time. He also became a monk and lived in a cave in Bethlehem, where he died.

How do we reconcile his temper with being a saint? Because he was also remorseful about any errors and sins he committed. He loved Jesus and gave his life to counseling others and living an ascetic life. He is worthy of the honor of sainthood and is the patron of librarians and scholars.

We all have vices tying in with one or more of the seven capital sins: Pride, Envy, Avarice, Sloth, Wrath, Lust, and Gluttony. How do we respond to these temptations when they beset us? Do we give in to them or do we turn to God and ask for his grace to overcome them; for it is the grace of God that saves us and preserves us from our sins and failings. Humility, kindness, patience, diligence, charity, temperance, and chastity are the virtues we need to pray for. St. Jerome, pray for us.

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